Notice : Admission List-1 for class Nursery 2025-2026


Area Of School Campus

School Campus is of 1.16 Acres(4678.26

Built up area is 4016.25

Area of Playground 648

School Building

Includes a well equipped office of the school, spacious classrooms airy and well lit with proper furniture.

The School Office

A well equipped office of the school keeps the administration going smoothly and efficiently.

Computer Lab

The School has a spacious computer lab with an internet facility to keep pace with the technological progress.

Psychology lab
For enchancing cogntive skills,There is also a very well-equipped psychology laboratory for higher secondary students to help them understand not only their own personality but also the interaction between individuals and society.

Language Lab and Maths Lab

To incultate the three R's and skills to enchance the reasoning abilities, We have well equiped language and maths lab

Science Laboratories

The school has spacious Physics, Chemistry and Biology labs, which are well equipped for practical work, activity based learning and also to facilitate project work.

Activity Room

Activities like Art and Craft, Vocal Music, Dance and Instrumental Music are conducted in the Activity Rooms.

Medical Room

The school has a medical room to take care of emergencies. Periodical medical checkups are conducted and a meticulous health record is maintained for each student by the school doctor.


The school Library is well stocked with rich collection of books, Journals, Magazines, Encyclopaedias etc. Along with invaluable reference books which can be consulted in library.


BOOKSHOP, UNIFORM SHOP AND CANTEEN:-These exist in the school premises. Suitable measures are taken to ensure that the foods in the canteen are of quality.

TRANSPORTATION:-The School attempts to provide reliable transport on fixed routes.


From The Principal's Desk

Education is a journey to explore experiment and explain the meaning of life.  Each movement unfolds into a beautiful expression of life’s bounty in laughter, cheer, concern and dream of our students as they move towards excellence in Education and all around development.

Dear students, you are the central point of the whole exercise of running the school.  We at school believe in developing a person with integrity, good values, positive attitude and strength of character, a person with strong will and determination to succeed using fair means and make the personal significant contribution towards positive growth of community, society and the nation.  The school would help you with full opportunity to move on the path of self development & success by providing you a unique teaching learning environment  in pursuit of all round excellence.

At National Public School, Kalindi, We not only believe in having students  to be trailblazer in academics but also in topping and show-casing their boundless talents.

Rules and Regulations

School Rules

  1. Every student should carry his/her almanac to school each day.
  2. Students should arrive at school 5minutes before the school starts.
  3. The warning bell before a class or assembly is a signal for all to go to assembly or their respective class rooms. This should be-done promptly and in silence. As soon as they are in their classes, students must get their books ready for the period.
  4. Changing of class rooms between the periods should be done in silence and in an orderly manner.
  5.  Students should be habitually clean and always dressed neatly. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions. Student who are not in proper uniform will not be allowed to enter their class room.
  6. No shouting or whistling is allowed in or around the school building. Running in corridors is strictly prohibited.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to throw any object at any one.
  8. Care must be taken of all school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher and to the property in-charge.
  9.  Any damage done will be made good by the concerned students together with a fine imposed on him/her for such an offence. Anyone who notices something damaged should report the matter even he/she does not know who has done it.
  10. Students are not allowed to bring any articles other than Text Books, Library Books to the school without the principal’s permission.
  11. Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is not permitted.
  12. The school is not responsible for loss of articles. Parents are advice to give pocket money judiciously to the students.
  13. Parents are advised to warn their wards who come to school in the care of servants to not leave the school before the servants arrives.
  14. Our students should observe polite manner wherever they go, they should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet their teachers when they meet them. Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offences.
  15. The school reserves for itself the right to terminate the schooling of students with unsatisfactory progress in studies or WHOSE CONDUCT IS A BAD PRECEPT OF OTHERS.
  16. Exploding crackers or splashing colours during Diwali/Holi in the school premises is strictly forbidden. Non-compliance of these instructions can result in expulsion from the school.
  17. Students should return their report cards duly signed by their guardians within 3 days of  receipt.
  18.  The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all belongings of the students Blazers and jerseys should also bear the name of the students.
  19. Students should attend festivals and other functions celebrated in the school while absentees will have to pay a fine of Rs. 30/-per day.
  20. Students who absent themselves  on special working days and on the last working day prior to the exam vacations and break and on the reopening  days will be fined @ Rs.50/-per that of absence.
  21. A student who fails to receive promotion consecutively for two years in the same class shall not be retained in the school.
  22. Indiscipline, irregularity in attendance, damage of school property, non-payment  of school dues, unauthorized absence from school for more than six days are sufficient grounds for issue of compulsory Transfer Certificate(T.C.)

General Guideline To Parents/Guardian

The school believes in discipline. Slackness, disobedience and disregard to rules will not be tolerated.
Any breach of conduct of good manners, any work or action likely to lower the image of the school is regarded as a breach of school discipline. The school reserves the right to expel students whose diligence and progress in studies is considered unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students. Immorality, Insubordination or contempt of authority and breaking bounds are always sufficient reasons for immediate expulsion or rustication.

  1.  Last working day will be observed as teaching day.
  2. Parents are requested not to enter class rooms to see their children or teachers during class hours without prior permission of the principal .
  3. Parents are required to inform the school if there is any change in their address and telephone number.
  4.  Leave for half day should not be asked for, for security reason. In emergency , written permission must be taken from the principal and the class teacher and the bus in-charge must be duly informed.
  5. Children when sick, should not be sent to school to attend tests/classes.
  6. Parent’s attention is drawn to the fact that criticism of the  teacher or school in the presence of a child should be scrupulously avoided because it causes the student to lose respect for their  teacher  with the consequent failure to learn from them and will retard his/her progress.
  7.  Parents are required to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help their children progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality and discipline and take interest in their child’s work. They should check the almanac every day and note the homework and other instruction given. They are advised to check the bags of their wards to see if any circular/notice/invitation etc, has been issued.
  8. Parents are advised to see their wards should not bring valuable articles. In case of loss of valuable or other articles, the authorities will try their best to trace the item but shall not undertake any responsibility for the loss.
  9.       (a)  All students are expected to join the school on the notified date at the beginning of the term.
    (b)  Those absent without sanctioned leave will be fined.
    (c)  Absence for more than 3 days just before the vacation and immediately after  the vacation renders the students to pay a fine and if absence is for more than 3 days, it renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls.

    (d) It is compulsory for the student to complete 90% of the attendance in the year to make him/her eligible to appear for the final examination.
  10. The wards of those Parents, who avoid meeting the authorities, when advised to do so, may not be allowed to attend classes.
  11. Children proceeding on excursions, visits, tours, picnics etc. will be brought and picked up from school by the parents only.
  12. Parents must first consult the school calendar, date sheets and other circulars before making enquiries over the phone.

  13. Parents and guardians are requested to read and explain the school rules to their wards.

  14. Collection and distribution of lunch packets and other belongings is not the responsibility of the school.


  1. They should take good care of their health and keep themselves robust and strong.
  2. They should always be friendly to others in and out of the school.
  3. They should avoid vulgarity in talk and behaviour.
  4. They should accept whatever work is assigned to them as their rightful share. They should face difficulties courageously.
  5. They should always be ready to lend a helping hand at home to their parents, brothers and sisters, in school to teacher and companions and any unattended visitors whom they happen to meet on the school premises.
  6. They should never cheat or be unfair at play.
  7. They should rise when any teacher or visitor comes to talk to them.
  8. They should be truthful whatever the cost.
  9.  They should never be cruel. They should know that cruelty is the trait of a bull, while kindness is the mark of gentlemen.
  10. They should respect the beauty of the class room and of the school premises and report any damage they may observe.
  11. They should respect the liberty and the right of others.
  12. Instead of lamenting and grumbling over the evils of the world they should try to contribute their share in making it a better place to live in.
  13. They should look upon people from all parts of the world as their brethren irrespective of their caste, colour and creed.
  14. They should not waste their time in idle gossip.
  15. They should take pride in wearing their school uniform.


No leave of absence is granted except on prior written application from parents or guardians for a valid reason only.

Every absence (due to sickness or otherwise) must be entered briefly In the Non-attendance and leave record, pages at the end of the Almanac and signed by the parents or guardians.

Parents are requested to send a leave application if the child has to be absent for more than one day.

A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor’s fitness certificate permitting him to do so. A student suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.

  • Chicken-pox – Till the scabs fall completely
  • Cholera – Till the child is completely well.
  • Measles – Tow weeks after the rash disappears.
  • Mumps _ Until the swelling has subsided.
  • Whooping cough – Six weeks

Those absent without sanctioned leave will pay a fine at the rate of Rs. 30/- per day.

NOTE : A student requires minimum 75% of attendance. If the attendance is below 60% he/she may not be allowed to appear in the annual examination.

Chairperson's Message

"Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man”

                                                                                                               Swami Vivekananda

Education is not just a source of employment, but a process of intellectual, social and moral development. At National Public School, we empower students with the ability to achieve their academic, leadership and creativity related goals. Through academic excellence and co-curricular activities, we aim to create optimistic, independent, life-long learners and leaders who will bring accolades to the School and the Nation.




Smart classes with CCTV surveillance National Public school has initiated the use of smart boards in classrooms for classes nursery to 12. The objective of this initiative is to motivate the learners by giving them an opportunity to enjoy the interaction that technology offers and by making the subject come alive. This experiment has been a success. It has captured the attention of the learners ,encouraged their involvement in the subject and enabled the teachers to share the multimedia resources with the entire class. A total of 21 smart boards have been functional in the school since the beginning of thesession. A judicious mix of new software along with traditional teaching methods is working well and the learner has directly gained knowledge, understanding and application. CCTV cameras have already been installed all classrooms and corridors


The school has modern Physics, Chemistry and Biology for classes 6 to 12. The laboratories are updated regularly along with changes in syllabus and to include new fun activities. Moreover, the school also has a Maths lab that allows experiential learning of abstract mathematical concepts. There is also a very well-equipped psychology laboratory for higher secondary students to help them understand not only their own personality but also the interaction between individuals and society. ACADEMICS (Result of x and xii) 2020 was a unique year when every teacher and student faced many difficulties. In spite of all difficulties, our teachers put in extra effort and made online learning more valuable and interesting. Teachers showed their creative skills and made their classes more interactive and resourceful. Our aim was to understand the child’s mental status and to design learning activities accordingly. Special care was taken to ensure that Children do not feel their academic activities were lagging behind due to the pandemic.



Regular excursions are organized for students to various places in order to enrich their knowledge and to take learning beyond the four walls of the classroom. These trips are tailor made to facilitate knowledge of the real world. Many activities are also undertaken as part of these trips. The school organizes trips to historically and culturally important places where students can enjoy and learn at the same time. These trips extend a much needed break from the humdrum routine of daily life and allow teachers and students to bond with each other beyond the classroom.

  • Workshops/ Counseling

Workshop on Keeping Fit

A workshop has been conducted for primary students on the topic "Keeping Fit". Students were told about the things to be done to stay healthy and fit in our daily life. They were made aware of the activities such as cleaning teeth, bathing, doing exercise, doing yoga, washing hands properly, etc

Workshop on Good Touch and Bad Touch

The school conducted a workshop for students on the topic of "Good touch and Bad touch." The students understood the concept about safe/unsafe touch and this was explained to them in a simplified manner with the help of a smart-board presentation and stories. This workshop sensitized the children in order to make them emotionally strong and well prepared to face the world.


Regular counselling sessions are held for students as well as parents by Psychology faculty to help them cope with stress in a better way. This ensures that students can have healthy social and family relationships and also develop a confident and well rounded personality.

  • Online co curricular activities

As learning without co curricular is incomplu. NPS promotes overall growth of their students. With this view, NPS was not restricted and conducted Independence Day, Republic Day, Diwali, Rakshabandhan, children’s day, Gandhi Jayanti, grandparents day, Christmas, New Year’s, teachers day virtually and engaged children in different activities. Though students could not physically take part in the activities, their creative energies and enthusiasm were showcased as effectively through the online medium.

Mandatory Public Disclosure


Manager's Message

Our school is not just a building; it's a community, a family where every student, teacher, and staff member plays a vital role in shaping our collective journey towards excellence.

First and foremost, I want to express my deepest appreciation to our dedicated educators. Your passion, creativity, and tireless dedication to our students are the bedrock of our success. You inspire and empower our students to dream big.

Dear NPS students, you are the heart and soul of our school. Your enthusiasm, curiosity, and determination fuel our drive for continuous improvement. Never underestimate the power of your dreams.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to our supportive parents and guardians. Together, we form a strong bond that propels our school community forward.

As we look to the future, let us remain committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity, respect, and kindness. Let us celebrate diversity Together, we will continue to cultivate an atmosphere where every individual feels valued, supported, and empowered to thrive.

Thank you for your dedication, passion, and belief in the mission of our school. Let us embark on this journey together, united in our pursuit of excellence.

With Lots of Blessing and Love




Contact Us

Give us a shout-out and feel free to ask anything that interests

Our Address

School Lane, Kalindi Colony, New Friends Colony, New Delhi, Delhi 110065

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011 4162 9589

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